Thursday, November 10, 2011

Yes, I said it...

I'm sure some of you are wondering why I outed my kids as assholes.

And more of you are undoubtedly thankful: "What's that??? I'm not the only one with asshole children???"

Don't get me wrong, I adore my kids, and they know it. They are also aware that Mom has a pretty low threshold for asshole-type behavior.

Touching everything in the canned goods aisle? Yep. Treating the women's clothing section at Walmart like a life-size pinball game? Naturally. Complaining that we aren't eating inside Burger King after I just spent nearly ALL my tip money (minus $20 for driving thru BK) on jackets...again...because my 10yo twins keep losing them?!?!? Unfortunately, true.

And that was just today.

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